Strategies to Preserve Your Sanity

Five Strategies to Preserve Your Sanity

In Study Participants by admin

For many, working from home offers productivity, convenience, and a touch of relaxation. However, for the erstwhile office-goers, frequent travelers, or those who cherish a hybrid work style, perpetual home confinement might be somewhat unsettling. With this in mind, the Focus Insite team would like to share several strategies we’ve adopted to foster an effective and positive work-from-home environment

1. Outdoor Web-Based Platform Interviews
Did you know that Web-Based Platform Interviews can be taken on your iPad or cell phone? Step away from the traditional desk setting and soak up some sunshine and fresh air. While it might not be feasible every time, when you’re not the main speaker or tethered to your computer, consider taking your call outside. A new environment can offer a much-needed refreshment and energy boost. Remember, your background becomes part of your professional image, so ensure it’s tidy and free from distractions. 

2. Establish and Adhere to a Routine
If you used to hit the gym before or after the office, mimic that schedule. Start your day with sufficient time for breakfast, exercise, and any personal activities. Avoid the trap of working from the moment you wake up till late at night. Define clear working hours, take regular breaks, and ensure you disconnect at the end of the day to maintain a healthy work-life balance. 

3. Participate in Virtual Social Events
Staying connected with colleagues is more challenging when you’re physically apart. Engage in virtual social activities, whether it’s a wine night or a lunch hour. These moments of camaraderie are vital for maintaining a supportive and integrated team, even from a distance. 

4. Set the Mood with Music
The quiet of an empty home can be daunting. Introduce music to fill the space and elevate your mood. Whether it’s the soothing strains of classical or the lively beats of funk, music is a powerful ally in stress relief and creating a positive home work environment. 

5. Establish Boundaries and Accountability
When home doubles as an office, it’s tempting to work incessantly. Set firm boundaries for your work area and hours. Use any flexibility in your schedule creatively, perhaps with a midday run or a culinary experiment. It’s crucial to delineate work from personal life visibly and mentally. 

In these times, it’s essential to strive for more: more efficiency for your team, more results for your clients, and more care for your well-being. If you’re interested in having Focus Insite find the right participants for your study, reach out to us at [email protected]. Let’s make your work-from-home experience as productive and balanced as possible.