ITDM Research Leads to Additional Studies and a Solid Relationship
The most common challenge Focus Insite faces when recruiting for a qualitative market research study is selecting respondents who meet our clients’ very specific criteria. This is where we excel. Clients typically provide surveys designed to screen candidates in a scientific manner, and often we assist with the process. We refer to these surveys as screeners, and they are the means by which we filter potential respondents.
Although they made clear the qualities they sought in respondents for their ITDM study (information technology decision maker), a new client presented us with a new challenge. They submitted a simple screener that was subjective in nature. They needed a recruiting firm capable of taking the ball and running with it, and they came to the right place.
We put Rockstar Project Manager Ashley Nettleton on the case. Ashley recognized immediately that the client wanted a technical recruiter whose hand they did not have to hold. Our Technical team immediately went to work identifying IT professionals that filled the client’s need and would provide valuable feedback during the IDI (in-depth interview) research process. We utilized specific protocols for the team to re-screen candidates, ensuring the client would have the best of the best. The process was simultaneously arduous and invigorating because it involved contacting respondents through various forums and often utilizing several channels of communication. In addition, to maintain the integrity of a technical study involving IT professionals, Focus Insite performed appropriate vetting of all respondents and their current employers.

The Focus Insite team recruited and scheduled 30 respondents for the initial phase of the ITDM project, an online diary. From there, the client worked with Focus Insite to select 15 of those respondents to participate in the IDI, and then conducted a second IDI with the same group.
Impressed with our performance, the client partnered with us to recruit for a Computer Work Study, which was Part B to the ITDM study. A larger project, this study involved people who work from home on a computer yet met specific conditions. Though technical in nature because it involved computer workers, respondents worked in various fields, not necessarily IT. Like the ITDM project, the computer study was interactive with many moving parts, including a second phase that involved half of the initial respondents.
Needless to say, the relationship with this client had begun to gel. Unbeknown to Ashley at the time, her main contact sent this message via email to our CEO:
“Happily working along with our two projects and wanted to approach you for a third—this is an unrelated project on Leadership. Thank you—your team is doing a fantastic job, particularly Ashley!”
The Focus Insite team celebrated this fabulous feedback with virtual high fives, and our Technical team got right to work recruiting for the client’s third consecutive project with us, a Leadership Study. For this IDI, the client wanted leaders from three different disciplines who were responsible for making snap decisions and managing others. Respondents were front line leaders in retail or call centers, high-stakes leaders working as first responders, EMTs, law enforcement, the military, and high-ranking corporate leaders. To ensure the client had the best pool of respondents, we emailed hundreds of leaders, asking specific questions to determine whether they were a good fit. We always go the extra mile due to the specific nature of these studies.
Our Technical team’s efforts resulted in these comments from members of the client’s research team:
“The people you find for us continue to amaze us and be treasure troves of information. Thank you for all of your help finding us some incredible people!”
Testimonials like these inspire us to work harder. Making sure our clients have the right respondents for their studies is crucial. So much is on the line, as qualitative market research is the first step in product development, advertising decisions, risk reduction, and opportunity discovery. Regardless of the size of the study or the client with which we partner, we always commit to bringing our “A” game.
Whether you need to speak with cloud computing specialists or have special challenges involving any medical, technical, consumer, or B2B study, we are armed, ready, and eager to work with you. Simply email your request to [email protected].