Identifying Risks Through Market research

Identifying and Mitigating Bad Research Data Risks

In Market Research by admin

In the world of market research, not all data is created equal. The adage “all press is good press” might hold in marketing, but the same cannot be said for research data. In various industries, from marketing to scientific studies, the integrity of data is paramount. With the rise of online data collection methods, such as surveys, the risk of encountering bad research data has increased. At Focus Insite, we recognize the challenges posed by such data and offer guidance on how to identify and mitigate these risks. 

Understanding Bad Research Data Bad research data typically includes information that is falsified, dishonest, corrupted, or unrepresentative of the intended sample. Common sources of bad data include respondents who aren’t earnest in their answers, perhaps rushing through surveys or responding dishonestly. Additionally, bots and automated programs can infiltrate online surveys, further contaminating the data pool. 

The Impact of Bad Data on Research Bad data can significantly distort research findings, leading to incorrect conclusions and misguided decisions. For example, overly positive survey responses driven by the incentive of a reward can skew data, resulting in a falsely optimistic market outlook. Similarly, bot-generated data contributes nothing of value and can obscure genuine trends and patterns. 

Detecting and Addressing Data Outliers Outliers in data that do not align with the overall pattern can be indicative of bad data. These outliers often manifest as speeders (participants who rush through surveys), liars (respondents who provide inconsistent or false information), and bots (automated entries). 

Speeders: Look for unusually quick response times. If responses are significantly faster than what your team estimates as a reasonable completion time, these data points might need closer examination or exclusion.

Liars: Implement pre-survey qualifying questions related to critical survey criteria (e.g., location, occupation) to filter out dishonest respondents.

Bots: Employ CAPTCHA tests and monitor response times for inhumanly fast submissions to prevent bot entries.

Expert Research Services from Focus Insite Conducting research that yields accurate, reliable data requires vigilance and expertise. Focus Insite is experienced in both qualitative and quantitative research, offering robust solutions to safeguard your data against bad inputs. We understand the importance of clean, trustworthy data and are equipped to handle the complexities of data collection and validation. 

If you’re seeking assistance in ensuring the integrity of your research data or need help finding the right participants for your study, Focus Insite is here to help. Contact us at for expert research services and guidance on navigating the challenges of modern data collection.